Confused About Furniture Placement in Your New Construction Home?
Building Homes and Placing Furniture in the home can be quite different than what you think!
New construction is always so fun to go through and get to see the newest trends and floor plans being built! New flooring, colors, textures, hardware, tiles, finishes, so on and so on. But what might not be fun is trying to figure out just how to make the furniture work once it is actually in the house!
“Where should I put the couch, TV, lamps? HELP!!!!”
As professional stagers, we run into this challenge quite often. Thankfully for us, this is our specialty and what we are trained for. Model homes we stage have an incredible success rate in sales. The new homeowners give the credit to the fact that they could see exactly how they could set up their furniture. However, for homeowners without this option, it can be quite frustrating and deterring them from making a quick offer because they cannot see how to make furniture work.
With all the new construction we are excited to be working with new homeowners and builders to cover all the bases in what works and what does not. Even the smallest detail as to where to put an outlet or a light switch and why can make a world of difference!
Have you ever stayed in a hotel and the closest place to charge your phone is across the room on the desk? Outlet placement can be the difference from a good place for charging your electronics, plug in the vacuum or lamp, or the most convenient place to put the beer fridge!
Amanda likes to complain about the fact that whoever built her house must have been left-handed because all the light switches in her house are opposite of where your brain thinks they should be. Another thing we run across a lot is a lack of outlets where you would likely put a reading lamp next to your couch. Looking at the whole picture with a fresh and experienced eye has allowed us to be a voice of reason and new best friend to all involved.
Other things to consider are:
· Kitchen and bath cabinetry organization and function
· Window placement relative to furniture placement
· TV and Fireplace placement
· Door placement
· Closet placement and organization
· Utilizing wasted space (make every inch count)
· Lighting placement (Is there such thing as too much light?)
Overwhelmed yet? Don’t worry, if you or someone you know is remodeling or thinking of building, we would love to help and allow them to move-in with what works and not struggle with the “What were they thinking!”